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8 Types of Amazing Pools Designed For All Types of Pockets

Many of us already see summer just around the corner. It is time to prepare our patio or garden to enjoy this magnificent time of the year. It is also the ideal time to start thinking about our pool, the best option to combat the heat of the summer months. It is increasingly common for families to decide to install a pool on their plot . The problem is that we can find many different types of pools, each of them designed for one type of pocket. Let's review below some of these types and know the ones that best suits our needs. We already warned that some of them will make you fall in love when you meet them.

Construction pools

It can be said that it is one of the oldest types of pool and that they have a low maintenance cost . For its construction, an emptying is usually done in the ground on which concrete or brick walls are projected. We must be very careful that there are no leaks through the concrete structure but we want to have problems.

Prefabricated pools

In recent years, this type of swimming pool has been gaining many adherents. The only thing to do is to make the hole where the pool structure will be placed . It usually takes much less days to assemble and allows you to enjoy swimming pools in many different ways.

Natural pools

Unlike the other two types, its construction does not depend exclusively on man, so it can take a long time to have it ready. As a main advantage, it highlights its high decorative quality , which can make a simple garden, a magical corner. When no chemicals were used, it would not hurt to have some fish to eat any bugs that fall inside.

Detachable pools

As a child I had one of these, but not as big as the one in the picture. The best thing about this is that they are economical and once summer ends, we can remove it to free that space . We can find them from many different materials. It already depends on the money we want to spend.

Overflow pools

They are incredibly beautiful. Its construction is similar to that of a normal pool, with the difference that it has to have an annex regulatory tank. If you can allow the water to fall vertically, you will get the effect of an infinity pool.

Sand pools

Do you want to have your own beach in the home garden? It is possible to do it, although we already warn that it will not be cheap. It is necessary to use compact sand for easy cleaning . In addition, this type of sand is non-slip, which is ideal for children and people with reduced mobility.

Microcement pools

We continue with our list of types of pools, and we do it with a high quality and proven resistance. The best thing about the microcement is that we can use it in our old construction pool . All we have to do is cover it with this material.

Transparent pools

Finally, we have the option of transparent pools. Some time ago we talked about Sky Pool , a pool of this type suspended at 35 meters high. For its manufacture, it is necessary to make use of a safety glass .
Of all these types of pools that we have left, which one do you like the most? I have it very clear and you? Encourage and share your comments with us, we are waiting for you!